Grenke's New Workspaces: Focus on Employee Wellbeing, Creativity, and Collaboration with the Help of Il Prisma

Our member, Il Prisma directed a project for Grenke Srl’s, helping them reflect the company's dedication to enhancing employee well-being and promoting collaboration through their new headquarters in Milan.

The primary goal was to design a workspace with a holistic approach, inspired by environmental psychology and biophilia principles, with the project covers a single floor of 1000 square meters completed in July 2022.

A Harmonious Work Environment

Every detail and design element in the new headquarters was carefully considered. The strategic use of light, colours, and materials creates inviting and productive spaces. Meeting, learning, and brainstorming zones were meticulously curated in collaboration with Grenke to enhance the employee experience.

Innovative Design Elements

The workspace features innovative elements like blackboard walls for notetaking and a vertical wall-carpet of vegetation in the work-café area. These additions foster interaction and stimulate creativity, making the environment not only functional but also inspiring.

Photo credits: Vito Corvasce