Several companies are preparing to return to the office but for many and obvious reasons we are most certainly facing a slow and gradual process.
From limited use of public transport to new regulations on the number of working stations allowed, this much-awaited return to the workplace will request a thorough technical and logistic preparation.
Companies are called to take into consideration the many deep concerns regarding all aspects of security and personal health and well-being which employees may be facing at this time.
Social distancing: united though apart
The concept of “social distancing”, a difficult practice that we were forced to adopt and somehow got used to, can be interpreted in two different ways. On one hand, it should protect us from being infected by other people, while on the other hand it should enable us to keep practicing our social and working duties.
Getting used to wearing a mask, respecting the one-metre-distance rule and greeting our friends and relatives without the old fashioned handshake or a hug – all these new habits give us the possibility to go on with our lives. All very different from what we were used to, but undoubtedly aimed at guaranteeing our personal health and safety.
So in practice we are obliged to be physically distanced one from another, albeit temporarily. Most probably, we should look at these new rules as a social act of respect towards the people with whom we work and collaborate. In fact, our common concern for our personal health conditions has never seen us more socially united than we are in these days.
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